Saturday, 10 August 2019

How to deal with a sad friend

"The greatest gift of life is friendship 
and real friends will be with you thru thick and thin"


Nowadays, being sad is somehow common because we are all humans and we have feelings. So, it is completely understandable that we can feel sadness. But sometimes, our friends get sad very easily and their sadness would last long or it will last for a period of time but it doesn't mean that if their sadness lasts for a period of time, it is already depression because depression and sadness has two different meanings.

So how to deal with a sad friend?
1.) IF THEY SEEM DOWN OR SAD, DON'T FORCE THEM TO OPEN UP QUICKLY. Let them take their time and just wait til' they start talking to you because you don't want them to feel uncomfortable when they want to share the things that they're feeling.
2.) JUST STAY WITH THEM OR BE WITH THEM. Even if, it takes them time to start talking, just let them feel that they're not alone and that you are ready to listen, comfort and understand their situation.
3.)WAIT UNTIL THEY TALK TO YOU. Patience is a virtue. Never rush them because they need time to think things.
4.) LISTEN TO THEM AND UNDERSTAND. Fully lend your ears to them because they need someone that they trust and someone who is focused on helping them and trying to listen and understand is the first best thing that you could do to help.
5.) DON'T JUDGE THEM. Never say things that could hurt them even more. Just try to understand them and give advices that you think could help them in their situation.
6.) LASTLY, GIVE THEM HUGS. Because it is the least best thing that anyone can give and a warm tight hug can always help.

               It is important to help anyone because we'll never know how we can affect someone's life and maybe someday, they will also be the one that'll help us, so be kind always.


1 comment:

  1. This is very helpful to the ones with fake depression
